Right of withdrawal | Caseificio Di Nucci shop on line
In accordance with the legal provisions in force, CLIENTS have the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the products.
In the case of multiple purchases made by the CLIENT with a single order and delivered separately, the term of 14 days begins as of the date of receipt of the last product.
The CLIENT who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal must notify the Caseificio Di Nucci via an explicit declaration, which can be sent by e-mail to the following address: info@caseificiodinucci.it
CLIENTS may exercise their right of withdrawal by sending any explicit declaration containing the decision and the reason for withdrawing from the contract or, alternatively, submitting the standard withdrawal form, as per Annex I, part B, Leg. Dec. 21/2014 (not obligatory) whose text is reported below:
Standard withdrawal form pursuant to art. 49, paragraph 1, lett. h)
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
Spett.le Caseificio Di Nucci Antonio di Franco Di Nucci
Area Artigianale Giovanni Paolo II – 86081 Agnone (IS) – Italy
Telefono +39 0865 77288 ; Fax +39 0865 779881 ; mail: info@caseificiodinucci.it
Via this form I/we (*) notify (*) the withdrawal from my/our (*) sales contract regarding the following goods/services (*)
– Ordered on (*) / received on (*)
– Name of the client (s)
– Address of the client (s)
– Signature of the client (s) (only if this form is sent in paper form)
– Date
– Photographic documentation
(*) Delete the unused wording.
When exercising their right of withdrawal, CLIENTS are required to return the goods within 14 days from the day in which Caseificio Di Nucci was notified of the withdrawal from the contract, pursuant to art. 57 of Leg. Dec. 206/2005.
The goods must be returned to:
Caseificio Di Nucci Antonio di Franco Di Nucci
Area Artigianale Giovanni Paolo II – 86081 Agnone (IS) – Italy
Tel. +39 0865 77288 ; Fax +39 0865 779881 ; e-mail: info@caseificiodinucci.it
The direct costs of returning the products are charged to the CLIENT.
The goods must be returned intact, in their original container, complete in all its parts (including packaging) and complete with the attached tax documentation. Without prejudice to the right to verify compliance with the above, Caseificio Di Nucci will refund the amount relating to the products subject of the withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 days, inclusive of any shipping costs.
Pursuant to art. 56 paragraph 3 of Leg. Dec. 206/2005, as amended by Leg. Dec. 21/2014, Caseificio Di Nucci may suspend the reimbursement until receipt of the goods or until the CLIENT demonstrates having sent the goods back to Caseificio Di Nucci.
Caseificio Di Nucci will carry out the reimbursement, after verifying the integrity of its products, by using the same means of payment chosen by the CLIENT during the purchase phase. If a CLIENT opted for payment by bank transfer, and intends to exercise his/her right of withdrawal, they must provide Caseificio Di Nucci their IBAN, SWIFT and BIC bank details needed by Caseificio Di Nucci for the reimbursement payment.
The right of withdrawal will not be valid should there be partial or total consumption of the product, lack of packaging, absence of elements integrating the product or in case of damage upon receipt by the Caseificio Di Nucci.